21 June 2010

Pastor futbolero

El sábado el pastor dio la bienvenida en la Iglesia y después pide que todos aquellos que están felices que levanten la mano. La mayoría de la Iglesia así lo hizo. El Pastor continua diciendo “Se que hay una familia de Argentina entre los presentes, que levanten la mano” No identificamos con la mano levantada “y ellos seguramente están muy felices por el gran triunfo de Argentina en estos dos partidos que han jugado” Nos ve sentados con la mano levantada y nos saluda. Continua diciendo “Argentina es mi equipo, y si, si Señor, estamos felices hoy. God is good –all the time, all the time- God is good”
Aguante el pastor!
This Sabbath we were sitting in church. The Pastor comes up to the pulpit to give the usual welcome speech. He asks the congregation to raise their hands if they are happy and most of the church does. Then he continues saying “I know that there is an Argentinean family in the congregation, please raise your hands” We raised our hands “and they are surely happy with the great victories Argentina has had in this last two games of the World Cup” He sees us with sitting there with our hands raised and waves “Argentina is my adopted team, and yes, yes Lord, we are happy today. God is good- all the time, All the time- God is good!
Go Pastor Go!

1 comment:

Rita said...

jajajajaj Que grande el pastor!!! :)