23 June 2010

Argentina 2 - Grecia 0. Game 3

Levantarse temprano con ilusiones de llenarle la canasta a Grecia ese era mi plan este miércoles, con la ilusión de que pasen el partido de Argentina y Grecia en vivo. Acá tengo 4 canales, y solo uno (el local) pasa los partidos del mundial. Como hasta hoy no se jugaban ninguno al mismo tiempo no había dramas, pasaban todos pero no sabia si el de Argentina-Grecia lo iban a pasarlo en vivo o tenia que renegarme a verlo a las 10:30 A la 1:30 me levante ya con mi mente picando resultados de los partidos Cherrua- Tequila Kings y con desilusión vi que pasaban el de Vuvuzela blowers contra los come sapos en vivo (no hay Uruguayos o Mexicanos aca que yo conozca asi que creo que nadie estaba ofendido). Volvi a la cama y a las 5:15 a levantarse para ver el de Argentina- Grecia que si lo pasaron en vivo, eso ya fue buen comienzo. Prendo la TV y estaba el himno. Rapidito a arrancar la maquina de café y preparar un capuchino bien cargadito. Primer tiempo paso rápido entre puteadas bajtas a jugadores Griegos, el 19 de Grecia que no lo dejaba jugar a Messi y arbitro que se olvido las tarjetas en su casa. Entretiempo para recargar café y despertar a Gissy. El segundo tiempo bien con algún susto. A las 6:50 apareció el Mathy y a los 30 segundos el gol de Demi, después gol de Martín (un capo) No solo es de Boca sino que tiene 36 años y honestamente no se que me pone mas contento que sea de Boca o que Martín sea mas viejo que yo! Igualmente fue el 2-0.

Luego hora de ir a la oficina y recibir las felicitaciones de los 15 grones en la oficina de World Vision hinchas a muerte de Argentina, que me recibieron como que yo hubiera jugado! El Pastor debe estar chocho…
The plan for this Wednesday was to fill the Geek goal with goals topped with the expectation that the Argentina-Greece game would be shown live on TV. We have 4 channels here and only onw (the local channel) shows the games. It was not a problem with the previous games as everyone played at different time. Now we never know what game will be shown live and which one will be repeated at a later time.
At 1:30 I woke up wondering what the Cherruas-Tequila Kings were up to. I put on the TV and saw that the Vuvuzela Blowers were playing the Frog eaters live. I turned off and went back to bed. Woke up again at 5:15 hoping,and sure enough as I turned the TV on the Argentinean national item flooded the living room. I fired up the coffee machine, made a cappuccino and settled down (I watch most of the games standing up and running around more than Maradona) The first half was frustrating and I spent time swearing at the Greek players to open up, leave Messi alone and at the ref who seemed to have forgotten his cards at home. The half time break saw me making more coffee and waking Gisela up. Second half with a scare and then Mathias walks into the living room and 30 seconds later Demichelis scores, a few minutes later Palermo with his second. Doubly proud of Palermo because he is from my local team Boca Junior, but maybe even more proud because he is 36 years old, 2 years older than me but still has it.
After that went to work and had the congratulation of the 15 or so WV staff who are die hard fans of Argentina. They congratulated me as if I had played. The pastor must be really happy…
Mathias contento, 2 goles como sus años. Mathy happy with 2 goals like his years


The Lewis Family said...

At least you had a better result than me... go to bed early and set alarm. Wake up and watch Socceroos play at midnight. After 40 or so minutes, go back to bed predicting a loss... wake up in morning with me having to go to work and face my friends who are laughing at the effort of Australia!
Wait till 2014... or better yet 2022 when it may be in Australia!

Anonymous said...

Mathy es la cábala!!! aguante Argentina!!!

Unknown said...

Oh, this post is hilarious. How much do you love your soccer? I laugh everytime I see a picture of you in your soccer top! Go Argentina! I can just imagine you running around your TV...